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I’m Mike, a freelance web developer, and digital marketing consultant. Originally from London and now based in Bergen, Norway. I develop custom websites and online marketing strategy for small businesses and start-ups. I graduated from Southampton University in 2012 with a BA in Business Management. After five years of experience as a project manager in London, I’ve come to understand the importance of a strong online presence in modern commerce. Now, combining my passion for web development and digital marketing,  I create engaging online spaces for my clients  that allows them to show their business’s full potential. I offer a range of services, from eCommerce website development to search engine optimization (SEO).  Let's have a chat to see what   I can do for you.
1 personne dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Fondée en 2017
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9 services offerts par MHCDev

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  • Description
    Whether you're not sure where to get started with digital marketing or you're looking to up the game, our digital marketing services are for you.

    We currently work with clients on the following:

    Digital marketing consultation - We carry out in-depth competitor analysis, SEO audits and digital marketing overview strategies. All to help you make the correct steps in your strategy.

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - We carry out all aspects of SEO, including on-page (keyword strategy), off-page (link building), and technical SEO (code modifications).

    Pay-per-click advertising - We strategize and manage all of you pay-per-click advertising campaigns, develop your sales funnel process and create high converting landing pages.
    Compétences en Publicité (13)
    content marketing strategysearch engineDigital Marketing StrategySEO Auditpay-per-clickLink BuildingSEO AnalysisSmall Business Web Designadvertising and marketingSearch Engine Optimization+3

    En savoir plus sur Publicité

  • Description
    Looking to speed up your website? Have any annoying bugs that need fixing? Our maintenance services are for you.

    -Modifications to any of your code (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP).

    -CMS maintenance (Wordpress, Shopify, Magento).

    -Website Speed Optimization.

    CMS & eCommerce Development

    Looking for an easy to manage and affordable website for your business? Our CMS development services are for you.

    -Full custom website builds using either Wordpress, Shopify and Magento CMS's.

    -Custom Wordpress theme development.

    -Woocommerce integration.

    Custom Code Development

    Do you want your business to stand out from your competition? I offer tailor-made design and functionality with my custom code services.

    -Full custom website builds, coded from scratch, using the latest technologies.
    Compétences en Création de site internet (21)
    ShopifyWooCommerce IntegrationPHPCMS DevelopmentMagento EntwicklungDesarrollo JavascriptXingPhp DevelopmentCSS DevelopmentSearch Engine Optimization+11

    En savoir plus sur Création de site internet

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Stratégie digitale (2)
    Marketing StrategyOnline Marketing

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Image de marque & branding (1)
    Brand Awareness

    En savoir plus sur Image de marque & branding

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Application web (2)
    Javascript DevelopmentJavascript

    En savoir plus sur Application web

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Référencement naturel (2)
    Link BuildingTechnical SEO

    En savoir plus sur Référencement naturel

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    En savoir plus sur Marketing

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en E-commerce (1)
    eCommerce Development

    En savoir plus sur E-commerce

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Relations publiques (RP) (1)
    Online PR

    En savoir plus sur Relations publiques (RP)

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