Koonden, Lyon | Sortlist
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Lyon, France
Unlocking Data-Driven Growth with B2B Strategies
Koonden stands at the vanguard of B2B marketing and sales, offering pioneering strategies to attract high-value leads and forge sustainable customer relationships. We are committed to driving business growth and are dedicated to combining data-driven insights, customer-centric content strategies, and continuous improvement ethos through our innovative, proprietary Kaizen-driven DMAIC methodology. Our mission is to empower businesses with tailored marketing & sales strategies, unlocking unprecedented growth. We ensure our clients' positioning as industry leaders by targeting high-value leads, refining sales funnels, optimizing campaigns, and enhancing customer relationships. Our approach is designed to transform customer interactions into increased revenue and loyalty through strategic insights, elevating the B2B buyer journey. We engage the correct accounts with compelling content at the right moment, leveraging our processes for optimized lead generation, improved conversion rates, and long-term retention. Addressing essential market pain points, Koonden crafts unforgettable brand experiences, converting casual browsers into loyal customers. Our holistic strategies integrate outbound and inbound marketing tactics, supported by cutting-edge technology for SEO and CRM, to deliver immediate results and secure long-term connections while rationalizing costs. At Koonden, we specialize in smart, data-driven decision-making that transforms business interactions into increased revenue and loyalty, setting a new standard for success in the B2B marketing and sales ecosystem. We invite businesses to explore our transformative B2B marketing, sales solutions, and content strategies. Join us in redefining the future of B2B marketing, leveraging our expertise for unparalleled growth and success.
5 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Français
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Fondée en 2021
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3 services offerts par Koonden

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  • Description
    Koonden stands at the vanguard of B2B marketing and sales, offering pioneering strategies to attract high-value leads and forge sustainable customer relationships. We are committed to driving business growth and are dedicated to combining data-driven insights, customer-centric content strategies, and continuous improvement ethos through our innovative, proprietary Kaizen-driven DMAIC methodology.

    Our mission is to empower businesses with tailored marketing & sales strategies, unlocking unprecedented growth. We ensure our clients' positioning as industry leaders by targeting high-value leads, refining sales funnels, optimizing campaigns, and enhancing customer relationships. Our approach is designed to transform customer interactions into increased revenue and loyalty through strategic insights, elevating the B2B buyer journey. We engage the correct accounts with compelling content at the right moment, leveraging our processes for optimized lead generation, improved conversion rates, and long-term retention.

    Addressing essential market pain points, Koonden crafts unforgettable brand experiences, converting casual browsers into loyal customers. Our holistic strategies integrate outbound and inbound marketing tactics, supported by cutting-edge technology for SEO and CRM, to deliver immediate results and secure long-term connections while rationalizing costs.

    At Koonden, we specialize in smart, data-driven decision-making that transforms business interactions into increased revenue and loyalty, setting a new standard for success in the B2B marketing and sales ecosystem. We invite businesses to explore our transformative B2B marketing, sales solutions, and content strategies. Join us in redefining the future of B2B marketing, leveraging our expertise for unparalleled growth and success.
    Compétences en Marketing (21)
    Marketing B2BMarketing multicanalMarketing outboundoptimisation de marketing mixMarketing d'entrepriseServices marketingConseil en marketingMarketing stratégiqueConseils en communicationCommunication marketing+11

    En savoir plus sur Marketing

  • Description
    Koonden drives B2B growth with marketing, sales, and content strategies. We optimize lead generation & conversions, boosting web traffic, engagement, and customer loyalty with data-oriented solutions.
    Compétences en Stratégie de contenu (14)
    Stratégie de Contenus SociauxMarketing omnicanalStratégie de bloggingDéfinition du public cibleMarketing stratégiqueContenu partageableMarketing des servicesDéveloppement marketingRéflexion stratégiqueCommunication marketing intégrée (IMC)+4

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie de contenu

  • Description
    Koonden drives B2B growth with marketing, sales, and content strategies. We optimize lead generation & conversions, boosting web traffic, engagement, and customer loyalty with data-oriented solutions.
    Compétences en Stratégie digitale (14)
    Inbound marketingGénération de traficMarketing onlineStratégie de Marketing DigitalSEMAcquisition de trafficConseil stratégiqueConseil digitalConseil en marketing digitalStratégie de marketing en ligne+4

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale

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5 membres dans l'équipe de Koonden

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Coordonnées de Koonden



  • Siège social53 Rue Vauban, Lyon, France