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Stylers Online

Budapest, Hungary
What We Do The style of Stylers: How we move and what we love. Simply put we provide flexible and complete information solutions, individually tailored to every client from strategic planning to the most complex developments. So what does this really mean for you? When it comes to your information management goals, don’t settle for only telling us what you need. That’s important but we’re really itching to hear what you want as well. It’s always better to have your cake and eat it too. So what is it, a unique portal, the development of a new iOS or Android application, website, managed informatics or a powerful marketing campaign with ongoing management? Our team is ready to make your projects stand up and sing no matter what the system or request. And if singing isn’t your thing, if your project is more of the sit-down and perform with precision kind of animal, we like that just as much. All that to say, with Stylers, you can have it all. Just ask our clients.
50 people in their team
Speaks English, Hungarian
Founded in 2004
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3 services offered by Stylers Online

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  • Description
    Front-end technologies:
    HTML CSS JS SASS LESS MVW Node.js ES6 Grunt Gulp jQuery
    React Angular Material design Flux pattern SVG Phaser.js Ajax LocalStorage Chrome Apps Google Crosswalk Bootstrap
    Foundation BEM CSS method JSON Google JS APIs WebAudio API Canvas WebGL PostCSS HTML5 Animations Front-end optimization Websocket

    Back-end technologies:
    Phyton Java Laravel RESTful Web Services Credit Card Payment sys Big Data AWS (EC2, S3, CloudFront, Kinesis, Redshift, SQS, SNS, RDS, ElastiCache, IAM) Large Scale Systems MagentoCommerce FB OpenGraph API Google APIs DB replication MySQL, PostgreSQL
    ODBC NoSQL MongoDB Sharding Design Patterns RESTful Web Services API development Virtual machines GIT, SVN Composer PayPal Memcache Redis Sendgrid PHP 7
    MVC, HMVC OAuth Codeigniter PyroCMS Kohana Drupal, Joomla Wordpress SOAP XML JSON Apache Nginx Linux Vagrant SSO Websocket

    Acceptance Test Driven Development Behaviour Driven Development Data Driven Testing Regression Testing with Automation Test Automation with Robot Framework Test Automation on Android with Appium Test Automation on iOS with Appium Test Automation on Web with Selenium Automated API testing Automated Database testing
    Specification by Example Living Documentation Web & Application Monitoring Manual Acceptance Tests on different platforms Visual Tests with Pixel perfect method Test Planning on different platforms Test Case Management Bugfix documentation Software Testing Documentation
    Skills in Web Application (12)
    PHPDrupalFront-End and Back-End DevelopmentReact DevelopmentLaravel DevelopmentNodeJS DevelopmentAngular DevelopmentCSS DevelopmentBack-End DevelopmentRegression Testing+2

    Learn more about Web Application

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    Learn more about Mobile App

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50 members in Stylers Online's team

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Contact details of Stylers Online


  • HeadquarterBudapest, Gogol u., Hungary

  • 6451 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92011, USA