ST WebDesign, Milan | Sortlist
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ST WebDesign

Milan, Italy
Web Designer Freelance Milano
Mi chiamo Sergio e aiuto aziende e professionisti ad emergere on-line, attraverso un sito web, un logo, materiali promozionali e branding.
1 person in their team
Speaks English, Italian
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3 services offered by ST WebDesign

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  • Description
    Web Designer Freelance Milano
    Servizi di Grafica e Web Design
    Mi chiamo Sergio e aiuto aziende e professionisti ad emergere on-line, attraverso un sito web, un logo, materiali promozionali e branding.
    Skills in Website Creation (7)
    Graphic DesignWebsite OptimizationWordpress DesignWebsite SEOEcommerce WebsiteLogo DesignWebsite Development

    Learn more about Website Creation

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Graphic Design (12)
    Logo Graphic DesignBrochure DesignBrochureInfographic DesignEditorial DesignPackaging DesignTypographyGraphic ArtGraphic Chart DesignIllustration+2

    Learn more about Graphic Design

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Motion Design (8)
    Digital AnimationOnline AnimationClip Motion DesignLogo Motion DesignMotion Graphic DesignMotion GraphicMotion Design 3DMotion Graphics

    Learn more about Motion Design

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1 member in ST WebDesign's team

ST WebDesign cover
StoryMi chiamo Sergio e sono un web designer, grafico e motion graphic designer. Ho una Laurea in Design con Master in E-Design al Politecnico di Milano. Ho lavorato all’interno delle migliori agenzie di comunicazione e web di Milano. Negli anni ho collaborato con diverse realtà: grandi Multinazionali e Piccole Imprese.
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Contact details of ST WebDesign


  • HeadquarterPiazza Prealpi, 3, Milano, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy