Soleil Building Contracting LLC (+ reviews) | Sortlist
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Soleil Building Contracting LLC

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
To be a world-class building construction company in Dubai committed to total customer satisfaction
Soleil Building Contracting LLC is a top construction companies in dubai with proficiency and expertise at its core. We intend to deliver high-quality construction at a competitive price consistently. As a construction company, we specialize in all kinds of construction projects such as Multi-storey Residential buildings, Commercial buildings, Shopping Malls, Industrial Buildings, Factories, Warehouses, Workshops, Schools, Luxurious Villas, Labour accommodations, etc. We strongly believe, "Excellent customer service is the number one job in any company! It is the personality of the company and the reason customers come back without customers, there is no company!. For more details, visit
998 people in their team
Speaks Arabic, English
1 project in their portfolio
Founded in 2010
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4 services offered by Soleil Building Contracting LLC

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  • Description
    Every project we undertake inspires us to contribute to society. We believe each of us is carving a stone, erecting a column, or cutting a piece of stained glass. We are all building towards something much bigger than ourselves. We build and shape structures and spaces with passion. Hence quality and client relations are of utmost importance to us. Soleil Building Contracting LLC, based in Dubai, is an outcome of decades of experience and ideas. We believe that there is more to value than just the low price and the job being done. That's why we provide our clients with the highest quality product, economical pricing, and a bespoke construction experience. What sets us apart from other construction firms is our creative and collaborative approach to whatever we build.
    Skills in Innovation (8)
    Creativedata monitoringDigital Innovationweb advertisingbrand strategyBrandingbusiness strategysocial media branding
    Work in Innovation (1)
    Soleil As Your Interior Fit-Out Contractor - Innovation
    Client in Innovation (1)
    Soleil Building Contracting LLCHome Services |

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  • Description
    Get commercial and residential contractors in Dubai. Avail top-quality services from Soleil, the best civil contracting company in Dubai. Find out more about civil construction and Soleil.
    Skills in Branding & Positioning (2)
    company brandingInterior Design
    Work in Branding & Positioning (1)
    Soleil As Your Interior Fit-Out Contractor - Branding & Positioning
    Client in Branding & Positioning (1)
    Soleil Building Contracting LLCHome Services |

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    No description provided for this service.

    Work in Event (1)
    Soleil As Your Interior Fit-Out Contractor - Event
    Client in Event (1)
    Soleil Building Contracting LLCHome Services |

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  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

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998 members in Soleil Building Contracting LLC's team

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StoryThe Importance Of Planning In A Construction Project? Planning is something that most people don't think about until they are in a project or situation where they need to plan. It is only then that they realize how important it is to have an effective plan at their disposal.
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Soleil Building Contracting LLC was awarded 0 times


1 review for Soleil Building Contracting LLC

(1 reviews)
MadhuConsultant at Armsoftech

What was the objective behind your collaboration?It was a project for renovation, maintainnance and interior design for our home and workspace

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?It was so awesome and loved their work a lot

Madhu recommends this agency

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Contact details of Soleil Building Contracting LLC


  • HeadquarterZainal Mohebi Plaza - 13 A Street - Dubai - United Arab Emirates