sevenseedsroastery, Melbourne | Sortlist
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Melbourne, Australia
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1 service offered by sevenseedsroastery

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  • Description
    Seven Seeds is a company with a vision to popularise coffee among the masses. We bring authentic flavours, sustainably sourced at competitive rates, to create heaven for your tastebuds. We are the leading wholesale coffee suppliers Melbourne due to our top-quality products and customer-centric approach. Our mission is to touch the hearts of every coffee lover with our aromatic roasts and authentic brews. You can also experience this heaven by joining our client list and ordering your favourite flavour of the coffee.
    Skills in E-commerce (1)
    online ecommerce

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45 members in sevenseedsroastery's team

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sevenseedsroastery was awarded 0 times


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Contact details of sevenseedsroastery


  • Headquarter7 Montefiore St, Fairfield VIC 3078, Australia