ROCC Film Berlin (+ 4 reviews) | Sortlist
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ROCC Film Berlin

Berlin, Germany
Big Pictures, for Small Screens
Wir sind eine Full-Service-Filmproduktion aus Berlin. Wir kreieren und produzieren hochwertigen Video-Content. Wir legen unseren Fokus auf authentisches Storytelling gepaart mit cineastischen Bildern. Und wir lieben unsere Arbeit. Für unsere Kunden erstellen wir Werbefilme, Imagefilme, Recruitingfilme, und mehr. Wir setzen für Werbeagenturen bestehende Konzepte filmisch in Szene. Oder kreieren in direkter Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen neue emotionale Markenwelten. Wir sind ein Full Service Film Produktion. Gemeinsam mit unseren wunderbaren Freelancern & Teams setzen wir uns noch heute voller Leidenschaft für jeden einzelnen Film ein. Wir haben 100% zufriedene Kunden. Und wir sind stolz darauf.
5 people in their team
Speaks English, German
18 projects in their portfolio
Works remotely across the globe
Founded in 2013
6 awards conferred
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5 services offered by ROCC Film Berlin

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  • Description
    Filme machen ist einfach. Handy raus, Record, Stop – Gratuliere, du hast einen Film gemacht. Wo liegt also der kleine aber feine Unterschied zu einem qualitativ anspruchsvollen Werbefilm? Natürlich teilweise in der Technik. Aber selbst gestandene Hollywood Größen haben schon ganze Spielfilme auf dem iPhone gedreht. Der Unterschied liegt in der Erfahrung. Und genau diese bieten wir an. Unser jahrzehntelanges Know-How, wie man eine Geschichte so erzählt, dass sie den Zuschauer berührt und bewegt. Und natürlich auch, dass sie gleichzeitig so beeindruckend aussieht, wie ein großer Kinofilm.
    Skills in Video Production (20)
    FilmproduktionShowreelPost ProductionVideo MarketingFilm Productionimagefilmewerbefilm produzierenFilm-ProduktionKurzfilmVideobearbeitung+10
    Works in Video Production (18)
    GLX Global Logistic Services GmbH - Video Production
    Barefoot Living Til Schweiger Imagefilm - Video Production
    MEDNEO – RECRUITING FILM - Video Production
    DKMS – Lars und seine Angehörigen - Video Production
    Reviews in Video Production (4)
    Gordon M
    Jill Heitmann
    John Mosetich
    Laura Sukyte-Eickmeyer
    Clients in Video Production (18)
    Barefoot LivingHousehold Products | national
    MedneoHospitals & Healthcare | regional
    HEK SwitzerlandUtilities | national
    Commerzbank AGBanking & Financials | national

    Learn more about Video Production

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Branding & Positioning (1)

    Learn more about Branding & Positioning

  • Description

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    Skills in Content Strategy (1)

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  • Description

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    Skills in Advertising (1)

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  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

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5 members in ROCC Film Berlin's team

ROCC Film Berlin cover
StoryChristian Martin Schäfer: Regie & Produktion. Christoph Wieczorek: Kamera & Colour Grading. Wir legen unseren Fokus auf authentisches Storytelling gepaart mit cineastischen Bildern. Und wir lieben unsere Arbeit.
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ROCC Film Berlin was awarded 6 times

PSI – Campaign of the Year: 3. Platz2020-7-1
Best Cinematography: Oceanside International Film Festival, USA2022-3-1
ADC Schweiz: 1x Silber, 1x Bronze, 6 x Shortlist2021-6-1
Cannes Lions: 1x Auszeichnung2022-5-1
Best Cinematography: Prison City Film Festival, USA2022-6-1
Best Cinematrography: Västeras Filmfestival, Sweden2022-10-1


4 reviews for ROCC Film Berlin

(4 reviews)
Jill HeitmannProduct manager at Commerzbank AG / Neugelb
ServiceVideo Production
SectorSoftware & Computer Services
Team1001 - 5000

The company showed the video on the intranet, which received amazing feedback. Everyone was on the same page about the mobile app’s new features, even the skeptical ones. ROCC Film Gbr's output was top-notch, which captured the audience's attention. Also, the process was quick, easy, and seamless.

ServiceVideo Production
SectorSoftware & Computer Services
Team1001 - 5000

Gordon MB2B Communication Manager at medneo GmbH
ServiceVideo Production

Internal and external stakeholders gave positive feedback about ROCC Film Gbr’s quality work. The video stood out for its visual style — it was used across social media and other platforms, causing an increase in recruitment. Moreover, the team was extremely professional and communicative. We were looking for an agency to create recruiting videos. We needed medical technology radiologist assistants, the people who use the machines and take the photos. ROCC Film Gbr created a recruiting video. We made a small storyboard together, and they interviewed the person and took pictures around the diagnostic center. Finally, they filmed the background, the interview, and the typical workflow to show what we were looking for. We worked with someone from the HR department, a graphic specialist, and a project lead. Additionally, some colleagues acted in the video as the doctor, a patient in the waiting area, and so on. We had a lot of good feedback from the recruiting department, competitors, and social media. The video’s visual style, music, and dynamics were outstanding. Moreover, we cut the video into three separate videos for social media, and we saw an increase in recruitment thanks to that. We used it for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, our website, and recruiting sites. In general, we were very satisfied with the organization and kickoff meeting. We got a lot of support from the production and camera team. They created the video from another perspective, and it was a great working relationship. The atmosphere was relaxed and professional. The team’s personality was great. The atmosphere was really relaxed and special.

ServiceVideo Production

John MosetichSenior Producer at Pega Systems
ServiceVideo Production
SectorSoftware & Computer Services
Team501 - 1000

ROCC Film Berlin successfully addressed the project nuances and delivered a high-quality video on time. They transparently communicated the timelines, ensuring a seamless collaboration. Overall, the team flexibly worked within the client's needs without compromising the quality of their work. Our company has a very stringent process to ensure our brand guidelines are maintained. Everything from the look of the shot to the graphics used are monitored very closely. ROCC went through several weeks of training with us and were a pleasure to work with. They picked up all of our nuance and it showed in the final product delivering some of our best videos from around the globe.

ServiceVideo Production
SectorSoftware & Computer Services
Team501 - 1000

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Contact details of ROCC Film Berlin


  • HeadquarterSchönhauser Allee 128, Berlin