Originate Soft Pvt Ltd, Kolkata | Sortlist
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Originate Soft Pvt Ltd

Kolkata, India
Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata | Originate Soft
Originate Soft is a digital marketing company in Kolkata that helps businesses grow online. They use different strategies like making websites show up in search results, advertising online, using social media, and more. The team at Originate Soft knows what's new in the online world and uses the best tools to make sure their plans work. They focus on what each business needs and creates special plans to help them. Whether it's getting more people to visit a website, bringing in new customers, or making a brand more known, Originate Soft makes sure their plans bring good and lasting results. Originate Soft believes in being clear and honest, talking openly with clients, and making sure their strategies give the best possible outcomes. They keep an eye on how well things are going and make changes when needed. By staying updated with the latest online trends, Originate Soft helps businesses in Kolkata and other places succeed in the online world.
15 people in their team
Speaks English
Founded in 2018
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3 services offered by Originate Soft Pvt Ltd

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  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Digital Strategy (4)
    Stratégie SEOStratégie de Marketing DigitalSEMMarketing des médias numériques

    Learn more about Digital Strategy

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Software Development (2)
    Développement PHPProgrammation SQl

    Learn more about Software Development

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Marketing (2)
    Marketing B2CConseil en marketing

    Learn more about Marketing

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15 members in Originate Soft Pvt Ltd's team

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Originate Soft Pvt Ltd was awarded 0 times


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Contact details of Originate Soft Pvt Ltd



  • Headquarter3110, Rajdanga Main Road, Rajdanga, Kasba, Kolkata, West Bengal, India