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muzammil malik

Islamabad, Pakistan
Best Seo Expert and Training Services Providers in Islamabad Pakistan
I am a certified SEO expert. SEO is no doubt an algorithm-friendly skill and to master it one needs to have hand on experience in it. I believe SEO is the key factor to rank a website on Google. Luckily in just 4 years, I have ranked more than 300 keywords on Google's first page. So I have the right effective skill to get your website on top. I am always passionate to learn new things. Despite my professional expertise, Content writing is also my passion. That’s the reason for my success in Content Writing and Blogging. Entering the digital world as a content writer demands great skills. With 4 years of experience with different local and foreign clients, my skills have groomed a lot.
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4 services offered by muzammil malik

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  • Description
    Looking For Best SEO Services in Islamabad For Your Business? With over a decade long experience of serving in the SEO Marketing industry & SEO Trainer I was one of the pioneering digital marketing experts in the Pakistan and at all times throughout my career, I have strive to stay at par with latest technological changes and google algorithms in the SEO industry.
    Skills in SEO (8)
    seo advertisingseo consultingwebsite seosocial media brandingFacebook Marketingseo marketingsocial media campaignseo ranking
    Work in SEO (1)
    Best Seo Services In Islamabad - SEO
    Reviews in SEO (2)
    Yasir Ali
    Client in SEO (1)
    muzammil malikMarketing & Advertising | international

    Learn more about SEO

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Social Media (13)
    online addigital addesignsocial media designsocial media servicesDigital advertisingBrandingSocial MediaDigital CampaignFacebook Marketing+3

    Learn more about Social Media

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Learn more about Marketing

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Copywriting (1)
    Content Writing

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2 reviews for muzammil malik

(2 reviews)
Yasir AliMarketing Head at Fair Price Rental
SectorTravel & Leisure
Team11 - 50

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Help to rank my tourism agency in Pakistan uk usa

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Find new business keywords relevant traffic and many more

Are there any areas for improvements?Perfect for my project

Yasir Ali recommends this agency

SectorTravel & Leisure
Team11 - 50

Mr.MSBCEO at Travels Domain
SectorTravel & Leisure
Team1 - 10

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Rank my tourism site in over the world in top google SERPs generate more organic leads for us

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Solve the business problem and make updates that is most beneficial according to market need and changes

Are there any areas for improvements?I Am satisfied with the services according to my business needs

Mr.MSB recommends this agency

SectorTravel & Leisure
Team1 - 10
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Contact details of muzammil malik


  • HeadquarterIslamabad Expressway, I 8/4 I-8, Islamabad, Pakistan