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JaySquare Ads

JaySquare Ads - #TheStereotypeBreakerAgency
Heads-up Brands! Yaa, we know. As we are an advertising agency which deals with ideas, campaigns, creativity and all those left brainy things, we are supposed to be using 'purple' color in our logo, as it is the brand color which stands for imagination and creativity; or 'yellow' which is the brand color of vibrancy and attention, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know what, we don't like stereotypes and breaking the stereotypes, does make an impression. We chose this burgundy color, simply coz we love this color.( It would be much more aggressive, if you read the last sentence again, with the 'You Know What!' attitude ). Ain't we right? Oh My Lord of everything Good & Pure, we are good in content & persuasion!   Oh Yeah! Gotta tell one more thing, At times, you come across people, who insists on getting to know, everything you do( This could be our clients too ). Let's say, why did you use this dark burgundy shade for your logo? Why not purple or orange or red or rainbow? Why this? Why that? but yeah, we have experienced all this and as you know, we are very persuasive. At these times of deepest tides, we become industrial marketing gurus. We become THE marketing team you have been looking for.We switch from being 'deadpool' to 'JaySquare'. Let's talk business. We, JaySquare Ads chose the brand color, burgundy, as we would be a comprehensive, persuasive, strong team delivering the best ideologies and creative campaigns by breaking the Stereotypes, thus making an impression and meets the client's business objective. Period. Hence, JaySquare. Period. Why a Marketing Agency? Whattttt? You shouldn't be asking that, you may ask us what is a marketing agency, but not why?. Why a Marketing Agency? Oh Come On! Seriously. Maybe we love breaking stereotypes and make an impression on the life of others and make earth a better place. Why Should we make earth, a better place? duh! Ok. As a persuasive marketing agency, we could change the way, people perceive a message or a brand, incorporate the same into their lifestyle and thus improving, leading and making earth a better place to be, atleast  for us, unless you pay on time. Why  So Sarcastic? You are just a new kid in town. Keep it low. Oh My Oh! We are not being sarcastic, we are being Ourselves and Persuasive. There is a thin line. We can see that. YOU KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING, RIGHT? Don't Be that  'Why?'  Client. Let's be straight. We are here to assist businesses in creating novel, perceptible brands, that resonates with the customers. Our approach is mainly through #BreakingTheStereotypes and thus helps leave an impression with the audience for your brand. You have a business objective or a growth plan? Let us know. We shall bring you the results, no matter what, coz we are JaySquare. Period. - Challenge Accepted Why  JaySquare? Lol! Why? Again? uh. Ok, this question actually makes sense. This is why JaySquare. We are Gooood. Our Clientele are Gooood. Our Credibility is Gooood. & Our Bank Balance too is Gooood. Yah, We have our website through the Wix site portal, so that we hit our search engine rankings well, keeping aside the fact that, our content team is happy with those chewing gums we bought, with those saved extra bucks. Do we sound a little easygoing? or highly caffeinated? We dare you to reach us out with a project. . . . . . . We like what you are thinking now. FYI, JaySquare can assist you with 🟥 Branding in Digital Space 🟥 Lead Generation 🟥 SEM/Paid Marketing 🟥 SEO/Content 🟥 Marketing Strategies 🟥 Social Media Marketing 🟥 Advertising Campaigns   JaySquare Ads @jaysquareads #TheStereotypeBreakerAgency jaysquareads@gmail.com https://jaysquareads.wixsite.com/jaysquareads +91 812 958 0180 (Hey I just met you  And this is crazy  But here's my number  So call me maybe)
5 people in their team
Speaks English
Founded in 2017
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9 services offered by JaySquare Ads

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    Skills in Social Media (6)
    Social Media MarketingFacebook Marketinginstagram marketingad marketingMarketing StrategieInstagram Marketing

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    Skills in Branding & Positioning (2)
    BrandingBrand Strategy

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    Skills in SEO (12)
    Seo ConsultingLocal SEOContent MarketingWebsite MarketingSMODigital Advertisingwebsite SEOSEO Consultinggoogle seocontent advertising+2

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    Skills in Advertising (3)
    Creative AdvertisingDigital advertisingOnline Advertising

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    Skills in Online Advertising (1)
    Advertising Campaign

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    Skills in Content Strategy (1)
    Content Marketing

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    Skills in Marketing (1)
    Search Engine Marketing

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    Skills in Digital Strategy (1)
    Lead Generation

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5 members in JaySquare Ads's team

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