ITA Digital Agency (+ 3 reviews) | Sortlist
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ITA Digital Agency

Wilmington, United States
Improving your business metrics through fast testing marketing hypotheses
Our team specializes in assisting businesses in expanding their revenue and clientele through online platforms. We are SEO experts and can efficiently establish the communication of the marketing funnel. Additionally, we excel in building sales executive teams and analyzing data to identify potential areas of growth. Our core principle involves implementing the HADI cycle in Digital Marketing, which involves discovering, generating hypotheses, testing them, and building an effective marketing management system. We have worked with esteemed companies including Storytell, Pressreader, Mindbox, TicketsCloud, Kapaga, Dashly, Yandex, Algorithmics, and Refocus.
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3 services offered by ITA Digital Agency

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  • Description
    ITA Digital will help your business grow faster by accelerating your website traffic from search engines, if:

    1. You need to clarify the strategy
    If you are stuck and need to learn how to achieve sustainable growth, we can help you audit your SEO strategy and website. We'll help you find low-hanging fruits and create a long-term plan with your internal team.

    2. You need a team of experts
    If you don't want to spend time hiring and onboarding the internal SEO team, we can help with fast changes and results. We are ready to start one week after the final project discussion and make everything to help you to achieve your business goals.

    3. You need to solve particular problems
    If you have a one-time task like launching a new website or blog, you may need support from the experienced team for a short-term project. We can help you to achieve your goals with fast results.
    Skills in SEO (41)
    XML SitemapApp Store OptimizationMobile and Voice Search OptimizationMobile Search OptimizationOff-Page SEOFull-service SEOrecommendations for content and developersOn-Page SEO ServicesOn-Page SEOMeta Data Optimization+31
    Works in SEO (4)
    We increased leads threefold with SEO - SEO
    SEO Support for blog launch - SEO
    SEO Audit and Strategy for XenaWorkWear - SEO
    SEO Requirements for New Website - SEO
    Reviews in SEO (2)
    Ilya Karmish
    Mike Lukinov
    Clients in SEO (4)
    E-commerce CompanyClothing & Accessories | national
    PurrwebSoftware & Computer Services | international
    XenaWorkWearClothing & Accessories | national
    Refocus Digital AgademyEducation | international

    Learn more about SEO

  • Description
    ITA Digital specializes in top-notch web analytics services. We excel in setting up advanced web analytics systems like GA4 and Facebook pixels. With our assistance, you can seamlessly migrate to GA4, ensuring 100% data accuracy and empowering data-driven decisions.

    Our services go beyond setup. We offer custom reports tailored to your business needs, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making. Whether you require analysis on abandoned carts or a complete website funnel analysis, our reports deliver actionable information.

    We also excel in setting up goals and conversions in GA4. By tracking meaningful actions, such as form submissions or purchases, we enable you to measure and optimize your website's performance.

    At ITA Digital Agency, we believe in the power of data-driven decisions. With our web analytics services and goal tracking in GA4, you'll have the tools and insights to drive your business forward confidently.
    Skills in Web analytics/Big data (11)
    User Session TrackingData VisualizationVisitor TrackingGA4Data ReportingData WarehousingData MigrationData MonitoringWebsite AnalyticsAnalytics Consulting+1
    Works in Web analytics/Big data (3)
    Successful Implementation of GA4 for Aquaphor - Web analytics/Big data
    Full-funnel Marketing Analytics - Web analytics/Big data
    Cohort Analysis for Karaoke Studio - Web analytics/Big data
    Review in Web analytics/Big data (1)
    Daniil Shvedchikov
    Clients in Web analytics/Big data (3)
    Karaoke studio (NDA)Entertainment & Events | local
    Aquaphor Water FiltersE-commerce | international
    Digital newspapers & magazines readerMedia | international

    Learn more about Web analytics/Big data

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Online Advertising (13)
    Performance MarketingDigital AdvertisingRetargetingBlog AdvertisingSocial Media AdvertisingWebsite AdvertisingApp AdvertisingDigital AdROI OptimizationYoutube Advertising+3
    Work in Online Advertising (1)
    We tested 230 hypotheses in 16 weeks - Online Advertising
    Client in Online Advertising (1)
    Delivery AppTransportation | international

    Learn more about Online Advertising

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50 members in ITA Digital Agency's team

ITA Digital Agency cover
StoryITA Digital Agency was founded in 2004, grew up to 50 employees, and worked with 200+ projects from different verticals. We help businesses grow through digital marketing channels and focus on business metrics, not clicks and CTRs.
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ITA Digital Agency was awarded 0 times


3 reviews for ITA Digital Agency

(3 reviews)
Daniil ShvedchikovChief Customer Success Officer at Kommune Agency
ServiceWeb analytics/Big data
SectorManagement Consulting
Team11 - 50

What was the objective behind your collaboration?We wanted to get more clients from the European market, with a focus on English-speaking teams. We decided that SEO would help us get more visibility and relevant traffic, so we decided to do a project with ITA Digital Agency.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?During our collaboration with ITA Digital, we thoroughly enjoyed their expertise and attention to detail in setting up web analytics. They exhibited a deep understanding of GA4 and provided valuable insights on leveraging the platform to track and analyze user interactions on our website. And we liked the speed, too.

Are there any areas for improvements?It was out of the scope of the project, but it would be cool if they could enhance the presentation of data through intuitive and visually appealing dashboards or reports. This would make it easier for us to grasp key metrics, identify trends, and extract actionable insights at a glance.

Daniil Shvedchikov recommends this agency

ServiceWeb analytics/Big data
SectorManagement Consulting
Team11 - 50

Ilya KarmishCEO at High Voltage Brains

What was the objective behind your collaboration?ITA Digital Agency helped our company with SEO for our website.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Most of all, I liked meeting deadlines, as well as the effectiveness of work. I cannot but note the involvement of employees in the process, which improves the quality of their work.

Are there any areas for improvements?I don't see any processes for improvement. The agency's work is already at the highest level.

Ilya Karmish recommends this agency


Mike LukinovCMO at Optimajet Limited
SectorSoftware & Computer Services
Team11 - 50

ITA Digital efforts increased organic traffic and Google rankings, meeting expectations. Their communicative and flexible approach resulted in a positive partnership. Ultimately, their high-quality work complemented their technical expertise.

SectorSoftware & Computer Services
Team11 - 50
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Contact details of ITA Digital Agency


  • Headquarter919 N Market St suite 950, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA

  • 24, 17 Azatutyan Ave, Yerevan 0014, Armenia