EAP Audio Visual Equipment Trading LLC, Dubai | Sortlist
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EAP Audio Visual Equipment Trading LLC

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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2 services offered by EAP Audio Visual Equipment Trading LLC

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  • Description
    Event Art Professional, a company specialized in providing LED screens, light system, and sound system solutions for events. Am introducing to you Event Art Professional .
    As Event Art professional with extensive experience in the industry, We understand the importance of creating visually stunning and engaging experiences for your audience by using the highest, latest equipment.

    I would be delighted to discuss how our services can enhance your upcoming events.
    Skills in Event (10)
    Event Content CreationEvent ProductionEvent ManagementEvent PlanningGala EventLive Streaming EventsEvent LightingGlobal Event ManagementProfessional Event ManagementPR Events

    Learn more about Event

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Work in Audio Production (1)
    Event Art Professional - Audio Production
    Client in Audio Production (1)
    venturelifestyle_Entertainment & Events | international

    Learn more about Audio Production

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EAP Audio Visual Equipment Trading LLC was awarded 0 times


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Contact details of EAP Audio Visual Equipment Trading LLC



  • HeadquarterDubai Tram - دبي - الإمارات العربية المتحدة