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Digital Media Sapiens

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
We are a Digital Media agency headquartered in San Antonio, Texas with a branch office in Dubai, UAE. Our company provides leading-edge digital marketing techniques and social media strategies including website design and development, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), online reputation management (ORM) and mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.
200 people in their team
Speaks English
Works remotely across the globe
Founded in 1999
2 awards conferred
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  • Description
    There’s much more to social media than snapping a pic, checking in, tagging people and adding a bunch of hashtags. Social media has far exceeded this and has become the face of brands even before their websites and spokespeople!

    Though there is a similar element to all social media platforms, combined they are all unique, with billions of users and untapped potential.

    But there is a catch.

    You should be on the right platform, at the right time and post the right content.

    Now, this requires a lot of effort and resources. That’s where we come in, creating relevant and targeted content to make an impact and connect with the right audience.

    We specialize in Leading Social Media Platforms

    Digital Media Sapiens offers social media marketing services for platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Given the rapid rate at which the social media platforms are updated, our experts constantly keep abreast of all the latest changes, features and functionalities. This helps us deliver perfect social media marketing solutions that not only meet your brand guideline(s) but also fit the bill for specific platforms.

    We have an overarching expertise in leveraging your brand on social media by keeping the following goals in mind:

    Establishing your most important metrics
    Increasing the brand awareness and visibility using to-the-point and creative content
    Launching a robust brand identity tailored according to different social channels
    Bringing the higher quality of sales by active monitoring, social listening and by using data-driven insights
    Understanding your target audience demographic/buyer personas and creating a stellar social media strategy for higher engagement rates
    Creating a steady fanbase, broadening your reach and increasing the follower count
    Giving you an edge over your competition in every way possible
    Tweaking campaigns for optimal performance
    Drawing actionable insights
    Constantly coming up with trendy ideas that can be incorporated into the social marketing strategy
    Working on improving your ROI by conducting a thorough audit of social channels

    Embrace the Era of Social Media Marketing with Our A1 Organization

    Our social media specialists have a proven track record of your business objectives and craft compelling content that can attract the attention of your new and existing users. Using their out-of-the-box thinking and hands-on experience, they efficiently work on organic and sponsored campaigns that help your brand establish its stranglehold on various platforms. Make a right choice by choosing us because:

    We have a team of social media experts who relentlessly work towards making your brand go social
    We conduct high-quality research and analysis and work on KPIs such as:
    Number of fans and followers across platforms
    Number of active followers, likes, shares, and comments
    Traffic directed to your website via social media
    Number of conversions (as per pre-determined goals)
    Website traffic-to-conversion ratio
    We consider customer satisfaction above everything and that reflects in our campaigns
    You can expect the best customer service and support no matter where you’re located

    Digital Media Sapiens is a leading digital media marketing organization, the finest at your disposal. We can assure you of getting outstanding services with our matchless efforts. Whether you want to establish your organization as a thought leader or spread the awareness of a new product or service, or simply want us for online reputation management services, we are just a call away. Just fill the form below and get in touch with us!
    Skills in Social Media (10)
    Pinterest MarketingSocial Media ListeningPublicité PinterestPublicidad TwitterTwitter StrategieConception de Charte GraphiqueSocial Media MarketingBrand IdentityBrand AwarenessSocial Marketing

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    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. While the term sounds too complicated, it has a very interesting underlying mechanism.

    Every search engine, whether it is Google, Yahoo or Bing, has an algorithm for search results. Based on that, they show users most relevant results. Say for instance, someone is searching for “the best pizza”. The search engines will help find the apt answer by taking the phrases, also known as ‘keywords’ into consideration. The topmost information matching the search queries are then displayed page wise, with SEO-friendly pages ranking higher or you can say, being more visible than other results. Because 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines, it is important to make your way to the top of the SERPs or Search Engine Result Pages.

    Hence, a pizzeria having an SEO-friendly website is more likely to win at this, as compared to a local pizza chain that really serves the best pizza in town! But first, you need to take organic, actionable steps by playing by the rules set by Google’s latest algorithmic changes as the search engine-giant accounts for over
    79% of all global desktop search traffic, followed by Bing at 7.27%, Baidu at 6.55% and Yahoo at 5.06%.

    We at Digital Media Sapiens use a combination of activities that lend your website the credibility and make the information published easily available for those who are seeking the same/similar information. As a result, you can find the ranking of your website as well as the number of visitors improving significantly.

    What Our Responsible SEO Specialists Do?

    Our SEO company has a team of subject matter experts whose forte lies in website SEO audits, On-Page and Off-Page optimization, keyword research and planning, SEO-friendly landing pages and more.

    They are well-versed with the latest Google’s algorithm updates and come up with innovative strategies. Using their stranglehold in SEO and related techniques, they carry out the following tasks meticulously and take you a step closer to meeting your objectives:

    Accurately diagnose the problems with your website and come up with solutions to overcome them
    Select from the top Whitehat SEO practices and strategies that can help improve your company’s bottom lines
    Drive all the SEO programs successfully till their completion
    Conduct regular audits using varied tools and technologies
    Search for better opportunities to improve search visibility
    Prepare reports of the performance results to the stakeholders
    Provide recommendations and create roadmaps for the future

    Some of the common tools and techniques that they use include but are not limited to:

    Google Analytics
    Screaming Frog
    Webmaster tools

    To cut a long story short, optimizing your website becomes less of a daily-hassle when you get us on board. You know what to do next! Fill the form and talk to us and find out how we can be of help!
    Skills in SEO (4)
    SEO AnalysisGoogle AnalyticsSEO AuditSmall Business Web Design

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    Take a moment to think what is the last thing you saw or read on the internet. Was it a nice article, a funny video, a quote you could connect to or a meme that made you laugh out loud? If you happen to remember it even after a gap, it that the impact was made on your mind even without you noticing!

    This is the power of good content, which not only sets your brand or business apart, but also helps deliver the message across. Without relevant, high-quality content, your website will not be able to rank high on the search engines. Without content that interests users, your content will be forgotten in a few seconds as they scroll their newsfeeds.

    Why Is Authentic Content Important for Your Business or Brand?

    Apart from making your value proposition known to your target audience, authentic content also brings forth several benefits to the table such as:

    Helps establish a strong brand identity
    Amplifies your SEO and SEM efforts
    Makes your presence felt across social media platforms
    Offers higher engagement rates
    Increases your business revenue

    When you add content marketing to the mix, be assured, there will be no looking back!

    Digital Media Sapiens’ content team offers you the best solution in terms of unique ideas and credible content in a wide range of formats. They keep their eyes and ears open to understand the dynamic shifts in the industry, including Google algorithms and their impact on SEO-optimized content. Using their creative acumen, they create compelling content that engages your target users by retaining their interests.

    We are Known for Providing Spectacular Bilingual Content Inclusive of:

    Blog Posts
    Website Content
    Social Media Posts
    Press Releases
    Product Descriptions
    Slogan and tagline writing
    Case Studies

    Walk Your Way to Success With Customized Content Writing Services at DMS

    We understand your content needs, and we have got you covered with simple, yet effective content. With qualified, creative, and passionate writers at work, you can be assured that you content will be top-notch, attracting more customer base.

    So, what are you waiting for? Find perfectly tailored content that works for you at DMS as we help you take it to the next level with our SEO services. Let the magic happen by discussing your content requirements with us today!
    Skills in Content Strategy (2)
    InfographiesConception de Slogan

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  • Description
    Media Planning and Buying is what will maximize your advertisement’s potential to the right target audience on the right communication channels whether online or offline.

    Digital Media Sapiens will recommend, plan and acquire advertising space on your behalf inclusive of digital space, print, TV and radio. We create an infallible strategy of choosing the right mix of platforms where you can place your ads and therefore, achieve your brand’s objectives.

    Our service encompasses both RTB (Real-Time Bidding and Programmatic Buying) so that there’s no leaf unturned when it comes to reaching your potential customer base. Our offline media planning and buying includes researching the right mediums to reach the correct audience for a more comprehensive and effective campaign.

    Steps We Follow for Media Planning and Buying

    Media Planning

    Research (Audience) - Audience research is the backbone of media planning. We keep a hawk’s eye over your target audience, their behavior, demographic and understand which platform(s) will help you gain traction for the ad campaigns.
    Figure Out the Market Place – Surely, you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket and this is where we enter the scene and help you figure out what percentage of the campaign will be allotted to which type of buys.
    Media plans – That fit your budget and will help you achieve your brand objectives on the right platforms.

    Media Buying

    Networking – We establish and maintain relationships with the leading channel owners. Being industry veterans, we know the who’s who in media.
    Negotiation – We have hands-on experience in negotiating fair prices to get the best slots with a team that has over 10 years of experience in the Middle East Market.
    Creating and Sending RFPs (Request for Proposals) – We sent the RFPs on your behalf to the suppliers you are interested in. Even when you’ve purchased the inventory previously, we’ll assist you in getting premium ones without RFP and at your established rates.

    Why Choose Our Marketing Agency for Media Buying and Planning?

    We offer you distinguished services that help you decide when and where exactly your ad needs to appear. Keeping your budget in the forefront, we figure out all the probable options and help you target

    the best of them. We approach the channels for your ads only when we’re 100% sure that it will generate revenues for your business.

    All in all, let our experts do everything from scratch while you sit back and watch your business take over the media from mainstream to offbeat.

    Have any queries? You can talk to us to get the details!
    Skills in Media Planning (3)
    Advertising CampaignMedia BuyingOffline media

    Learn more about Media Planning

  • Description
    The first point contact many people have with a brand begins with the website. The face of your company is represented in your website, and we are here to ensure that it’s a “Great face”.

    We’re proud of the dynamism of content and creativity we present in our websites. From fast loading interactive features. We have a thorough understanding of what it takes to build a remarkable website for any niche to drive targeted traffic. We’re always on our toes, looking for the best possible ways we can customize it to match your specific requirements and supports your business.

    Factors That Help Us Ace Web Development

    Fully Functional – We ensure that the website solves a problem and is aligned with your target audience’s interests!
    Easy to Navigate – We develop websites with hassle-free navigation, which can effectively reduce the bounce rates.
    Appropriate Content – We offer SEO-optimized content that helps generate organic traffic for the site.
    Updated and speedy – Forget flash and other ancient technologies as we make use of only the latest tools, trends and techniques to make your websites speedy, up-to-date and easily readable on the latest gadgets.
    Completely optimized – From SEO to mobile-friendly, we make sure that the website is optimized in every possible way. We also ensure that the website is responsive and offers cross-browser compatibility.
    Scalable – We are responsible for making the website’s user-interface completely scalable along with the databases, APIs and everything in between.
    100% Reliable and secure – We make sure that your website has no downtime and is completely secure in all aspects.

    Experienced in working with international clients, we have proven our prowess as a web development company for E-Commerce, Real Estate, Interior Design, Hospitality, Tourism, Healthcare and Dental, FMCG, Automotive, Consulting and Electronics.

    Our Core Development Process

    Requirement Gathering In this step, we’ll collect your business goals, expectations, target audience persona, content requirements, competitor list along with their strengths and weaknesses.
    Planning Once we have the information with us, we’ll chalk out a roadmap for your web development project. The outline will include the resources to be allocated and platforms/tools/technologies to be used.
    Design We’ll come up with a prototype of the skeleton of your website. This will include the layout, landing pages, navigation and CTAs. Additionally, we’ll provide you different design options so that you take an informed decision.
    Content Once the website’s look and feel is finalized, it is ready for coding and content. We offer original and creative content for your website to increase its value.
    Bonus step: You can also avail our SEO service to gain more visibility on the SERP.

    Testing A website is never ready for launch until we conduct rigorous testing. We check every aspect of the website including cross-browser compatibility, URLs, fields, databases, CTA buttons, forms etc. to guarantee perfection.
    Launch This is the point of time when your website is ready to go live. This is when the real-time activity takes place on the site that can help us find and fix any glitches.
    To sum it up, be assured that you’re making the finest choice by choosing us due to the following factors:

    We adhere to your brand guidelines
    Knowledge of tools and techniques such as PHP, javascript, .NET, SQL, HTML 5 etc.
    Fast and transparent communication
    Talented team have 50+ years of collective experience
    Exceptional client servicing and customer support

    So, what are you waiting for? Take a step forward, we will take two, and let us together achieve your aim of flying high in the digital space. Know more about us by dropping our digital agency in Dubai an email or calling us right away!
    Skills in Website Creation (4)
    PHPPhp DevelopmentMarketing TouristiqueDesarrollo Javascript

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    Skills in Branding & Positioning (1)
    Interior Design

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    Learn more about Advertising

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    Skills in Digital Strategy (2)
    Search Engine MarketingOnline Reputation Management

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    Skills in Marketing (2)
    Search Engine MarketingReputation Management

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200 members in Digital Media Sapiens's team

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Digital Media Sapiens was awarded 2 times

Innovation Award at the Platic Surgery Association in USA2012-7-31
CEO is Social Media guru and have written books on Social Media2004-12-31


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Contact details of Digital Media Sapiens


  • HeadquarterJumeirah St - Dubai - United Arab Emirates