Courtney Kim Studio, Melbourne | Sortlist
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Courtney Kim Studio

Melbourne, Australia
We are a Melbourne-based branding and ecommerce design team that is passionate about delivering meaningful work to build brands, create authentic relationships, and compose sincere stories that resonate with audiences. Between us, we speak Aussie, Korean, Chinese, and fluent JavaScript. Hailing from multicultural backgrounds, we bring diverse perspectives living in different parts of the world to the table, and imbue our unique touches to create compelling work.
4 people in their team
Speaks Chinese, English, Korean
Works remotely across the globe
Founded in 2008
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4 services offered by Courtney Kim Studio

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  • Description
    We believe that effective branding should communicate the best version of you and connect you with customers in an engaging, clear and innovative style.
    We specialise in branding for the hospitality and retail industry, delivering luxury and beautiful branding, as well as innovative designs that excite and push boundaries.
    Full brand design service with extensive brand strategy, market analysis, competition research, trend forecasting and brand positioning.
    Skills in Branding & Positioning (9)
    Brand PositioningNamingLogo DesignBrand StrategyBrand IdentityBrand NamingBrand DesignGraphic DesignBranding

    Learn more about Branding & Positioning

  • Description
    With thousands of new products being revealed every day, your brand and packaging must stand out and tell your ideal customer “This is the one for you”. The best way to do that is with your packaging design. Aside from excellent quality, a brand must provide their consumers with a strong brand story and a point of difference to create the buy-in.
    Skills in Graphic Design (7)
    IllustrationPrint DesignLogo DesignPackaging DesignTypographyBrand StorytellingLogo Graphic Design

    Learn more about Graphic Design

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Website Creation (1)
    Desarrollo Javascript

    Learn more about Website Creation

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Learn more about Packaging

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4 members in Courtney Kim Studio's team

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Contact details of Courtney Kim Studio


  • Headquarter37 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia