Blunt Gorilla Agency, Rosebery | Sortlist
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Blunt Gorilla Agency

Rosebery, Australia
Everyday ideas change us. They tell us how to think and what to think. But what if an idea could tell us why to think. For an idea or a concept to succeed, it must know it’s primordial truth. It must know it’s why. This blueprint enables us to navigate the paradigms of who you are and what you stand for. Without this, an idea loses the marrow on which the foundations for success are built upon. As a collective, we operate by finding the animus of an idea and manifesting it with design, conception, and configuration. With an inbuilt production company at our arsenal, our work is determined by a hybrid, collaborative core unit that is mobile, able to adapt easily, and comfortable in chaos. Why the name Blunt Gorilla? The nuclear DNA of a Gorilla is almost identical to that of a human. But that tiny portion of unshared DNA is what differentiates us. It’s what gave us our bipedal stance on morality and the ability to send people to space. Although far evolved from the great ape lineage, this truth embodies the fundamentals in who we are at our very core. To us, the Gorilla does not compromise on truth. It does not comply to the status quo, nor does it follow the rules those before have set. It asks us to question the root of an idea, and consequently, stand behind it with full conviction.
3 people in their team
Speaks English
Works remotely across the globe
Founded in 2016
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4 services offered by Blunt Gorilla Agency

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    Full advertising concepting, creative and production for TVC, Video, Pre-roll, VOD, Social Media content, Digital display, (D)OOH, Street Press, Print.

    Learn more about Advertising

  • Description
    In house film production company creates and executes across feature films, TV shows and online series, using cinema grade film equipment; including concepts, script writing, full production (pre and post included). We have access to both digital cinematic cameras and traditional film cameras.
    Skills in Video Production (1)
    Script Writing

    Learn more about Video Production

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    No description provided for this service.

    Learn more about Print

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

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3 members in Blunt Gorilla Agency's team

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Contact details of Blunt Gorilla Agency


  • Headquarter1/36 Morley Ave, Rosebery NSW 2018, Australia