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Wildmind creative ltd

Gran Londres, Reino Unido
Every work can be duplicated
but masterpieces, cannot.
We are an elite ensemble of visionaries committed to crafting distinctive masterpieces for businesses. From insightful strategies to compelling branding, from dynamic social media content to comprehensive business plans we go beyond delivering—we redefine.
12 personas en su equipo
Habla Inglés, Turco
19 proyectos en su portfolio
Fundado en 2019
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22 servicios ofrecidos por Wildmind creative ltd

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  • Descripción
    At Wildmind, we see the power of connection as the catalyst for success. We don't merely optimize your content; we enrich it, keep it relevant, and ensure it's discovered by the right audience, at the right time, in the right context.

    Content Optimization: Our content optimization service goes beyond the conventional 'SEO' approach. We focus on creating meaningful, valuable content that resonates with your unique audience, not just any random visitor. It's about ensuring the time they commit to your brand is well spent, sparking a bond that strengthens over time.

    Audience-Centric: We believe in honoring the time your audience invests in your brand. That's why our strategies aim to provide value, respecting every click, every scroll, every moment they engage with your content. Our process filters out the noise, attracting the right individuals who genuinely connect with your brand's vision.

    Continual Relevance: The digital world is dynamic, and so is your audience. We don't just optimize your content and leave it there; we continually update it to match the evolving interests of your audience and the digital landscape. This continuous nurturing ensures your content stays fresh, relevant, and engaging.

    Building Connections: But we're not just about the first impression. Our strategies aim to foster a continuous relationship with your audience, providing consistent value over time. Every piece of content is a new opportunity to strengthen the bond between your brand and your audience, leading to lasting loyalty.

    The Wildmind Promise: In the wilderness of content, we're your navigators, curators, and storytellers. We map out your digital journey, ensuring that your brand's story reaches the hearts that will cherish it most. We're not just about making your content 'findable'; we're about making it unforgettable.

    Experience the Wildmind way - a fresh, audience-focused approach to content optimization, where every visit is a meaningful connection and every connection matters. Welcome to the future of content discovery and engagement.
    (25) Habilidades en SEO
    Mobile SEOSearch Engine OptimizationLocal SEOLink BuildingSEO AuditSEO StrategyTechnical SEOSEO Consultingdream 100Keyword Research+15

    Más información sobre SEO

  • Descripción
    At Wildmind, we believe in purposeful action driven by insights. Here's how we do it:

    Detailed Audit: First, we undertake a comprehensive audit of your brand's social media performance and potential. We identify the best-suited platforms for your brand and gain a deep understanding of the audience expectations on each platform.

    Tailored Content Strategy: Based on the insights gathered from the audit, we craft a specific content strategy for each platform. This ensures that we create engaging, relevant content that resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand identity.

    Weekly Content Creation: Our creative team then gets to work on producing the content. From captivating captions to engaging visuals, we make sure every post mirrors your brand and grabs your audience's attention.

    Approval Process: Once the content is ready, we present it to you for approval. We value your insights and make sure every post aligns with your expectations before it goes live.

    Scheduling and Posting: After your approval, we schedule the posts at optimal times to maximize visibility and engagement. We use sophisticated scheduling tools to ensure consistent and timely posting.

    Monitoring and Reporting: We don’t just post and forget. Every piece of content is closely monitored for key performance indicators such as likes, shares, comments, and overall engagement. We provide you with regular reports, detailing our successes and areas for improvement.

    This is a hands-on, tailored approach that ensures your brand is not just seen, but truly engaged with on social media. We keep our finger on the pulse, adjust strategies as necessary, and continue to build a strong social media presence for your brand. We turn followers into fans, and fans into loyal customers. That's the Wildmind way.
    (28) Habilidades en Redes Sociales
    Facebook MarketingContent MarketingSocial Media MarketingSocial Media ManagementSocial Media AnalysisSocial Media CopywritingCreative CopywritingLinkedIn MarketingSocial Media GrowthInstagram Marketing+18
    Trabajo en Redes Sociales (1)
    Social Media Management and Design - Redes Sociales
    (2) Reseñas en Redes Sociales
    Rafael Figueiredo
    Cliente en Redes Sociales (1)
    Heka LightingVenta por menor | international

    Más información sobre Redes Sociales

  • Descripción
    At Wildmind, we craft UI/UX designs that not only look visually stunning but also provide an intuitive and engaging user experience. Here's our approach:

    Discovery & Research: We kickstart our process with a thorough understanding of your brand, your target audience, and your business objectives. We conduct user research to understand their needs, behaviours, and expectations from your platform.

    Information Architecture & Wireframing: Based on the insights gathered, we create a strategic information architecture to organise and structure the content effectively. We then develop wireframes to give you a basic blueprint of your website or application.

    Visual Design & Prototyping: After you've approved the wireframes, our team of skilled designers will start crafting the visual components. Colours, typography, imagery - we ensure everything aligns with your brand identity. We then develop interactive prototypes to give you a feel of the final design.

    User Testing & Refinement: The prototypes are tested with a group of users. Their feedback helps us identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. We refine and iterate the designs based on these insights.

    Final Design & Handover: Once all adjustments have been made and you're happy with the design, we prepare for the final handover. We provide a comprehensive design guide to ensure consistent implementation.

    Post-launch Evaluation: Our engagement doesn't end at the launch. We continuously monitor user interaction and collect feedback to identify any potential areas for future improvement.

    Our UI/UX design process is about blending form and function in a way that makes sense to your users and drives your brand forward. At Wildmind, we design experiences that your users will love.
    (35) Habilidades en Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    Interaction DesignUX DesignUI DesignDesign ThinkingUsability TestingUser ResearchUser TestingUser Interface DesignUX ResearchMobile App UI Design+25
    (4) proyectos en Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    UI Design, Branding & eSport Livestream Company - Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    Website Design - Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    No-Code App Development & Planning - Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    Logo, Flyer and UI Design - Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    (4) Clientes en Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    LEET ENDLos medios de comunicación | international
    Heka LightingVenta por menor | international
    PlanbrandConsultoría de gestión |
    HemenALOTelecomunicaciones | national

    Más información sobre Usabilidad (UX/UI)

  • Descripción
    "Branding is the art of becoming knowable, likable, and trustable." Guided by the wisdom of marketing experts like David Aaker and David Ogilvy, we at Wildmind understand that true branding isn't about addition; it's about simplification and consistency.

    Our subscription-based Branding & Positioning service is not a one-time project, but an ongoing commitment to keep your brand message clear, compelling, and consistent across all touch points, internal and external.

    Simplify: We distil your brand's essence to its core. This simplicity becomes the seed from which your brand grows, touching every aspect of your business, from customer interactions to internal processes.

    Distribute: We ensure this simplified message is consistently and effectively distributed across all touch points. Your audience will recognise and resonate with your brand, no matter where they encounter it.

    Optimize: Branding isn't a static process; it's a living entity. Our team keeps a pulse on market trends, audience responses, and brand performance. We continuously optimize your brand's positioning to ensure it remains fresh and relevant.

    With Wildmind, branding is no longer a 'set it and forget it' endeavor. Our subscription service means we're always there, keeping your brand's heart beating and its message echoing in the minds of your audience. Simplify, distribute, optimize - that's the Wildmind way. Your brand deserves nothing less.
    (30) Habilidades en Branding y posicionamiento de marca
    Target Group DefinitionBrand DesignBrandingCorporate IdentityVisual IdentityLogo DesignBrand StrategyBrand IdentityBrand ManagementLuxury Branding+20
    (14) proyectos en Branding y posicionamiento de marca
    UI Design, Branding & eSport Livestream Company - Branding y posicionamiento de marca
    Brand Identity and Packaging Design for Hisar Su - Branding y posicionamiento de marca
    Corporate Identity Design for CLI Secure - Branding y posicionamiento de marca
    London Underground Advertising - Branding y posicionamiento de marca
    (14) Clientes en Branding y posicionamiento de marca
    MAA & PartnersServicios legales |
    Heka LightingVenta por menor | international
    Heka LightingVenta por menor | international
    CFC ConstructionConstrucción | national

    Más información sobre Branding y posicionamiento de marca

  • Descripción
    "In the digital era, your website is more than just a space on the internet; it's your brand's digital home, a unique and captivating canvas that tells your brand's story. At Wildmind, we understand the pivotal role a website plays in the modern business landscape.

    Our subscription-based Website Creation service is not a one-off project but a perpetual commitment to ensure your online presence is engaging, intuitive, and continually optimised.

    Design & Develop: Inspired by London's vibrant and bold energy, our team of award-winning designers and developers start from scratch to craft a site that embodies your brand's essence and meets your business goals. Every pixel and line of code is purposefully placed to deliver a visually stunning and technically sound user experience.

    Content Optimisation: Our approach is user-centric and content-focused. We don't just do SEO; we optimize your content for your ideal audience. Every word, every image is created and curated to provide value, engage visitors, and build lasting relationships.

    Iterate & Improve: A website is never truly 'finished'. Our commitment is to keep your digital home updated, adaptive, and fresh. With a constant finger on the pulse of web trends and audience behaviour, we continuously tweak, refine and innovate, ensuring your website evolves alongside your business.

    With Wildmind, your website isn't just another URL lost in the vast internet sea; it's a living, breathing, and evolving digital entity that truly represents your brand. Design, optimise, iterate - that's the Wildmind way. Your online presence deserves nothing less."
    (22) Habilidades en Creación de Sitios Web
    Website RevampingWebsite DevelopmentResponsive Web DesignResponsive WebsiteUser Centric DesignCustom WebsiteWebsite OptimizationWireframe DesignFront End DevelopmentMultilingual Website+12
    Trabajo en Creación de Sitios Web (1)
    Website Design - Creación de Sitios Web
    Cliente en Creación de Sitios Web (1)
    Heka LightingVenta por menor | international

    Más información sobre Creación de Sitios Web

  • Descripción
    "Design is in everything we make, but it's also between those things. It's a mix of craft, science, storytelling, propaganda, and philosophy." - Stefan Sagmeister

    In the Wildmind universe, we truly believe in Sagmeister's vision - design is not just a craft, it's a narrative, a story that unfolds between every curve, every line, and every pixel. It is this philosophy that guides our Graphic Design Subscription Service.

    With us, you're not just subscribing to a service, you're embarking on a journey. A journey where we:

    Explore your Brand Narrative: Under the artistic skyline of London, our team weaves your brand's story into striking graphic designs. Your brand isn't just your logo - it's every image, every graphic, every visual we create.

    Focus on Brand Avatars: We believe that every brand has its unique avatar, its visual soul. We use this concept to create designs that mirror your brand's personality, establishing a deeper connection with your audience.

    Iterate and Innovate: Design is not static; it's an ever-evolving entity. As your brand grows, so does our commitment to your visual narrative. We keep our eyes wide open for the latest design trends, always ready to adapt and innovate.

    With Wildmind, you aren't just hiring a graphic design agency; you're partnering with storytellers who translate your brand ethos into a visual language. We design, create, and iterate to ensure that your brand is not just seen but remembered.
    (28) Habilidades en Diseño Gráfico
    Editorial DesignInfographic DesignMagazine DesignPrint DesignLogo Graphic DesignCartoon DesignMockup DesignGraphic Chart DesignConceptual DesignNewsletter Design+18
    (12) proyectos en Diseño Gráfico
    UI Design, Branding & eSport Livestream Company - Diseño Gráfico
    Brand Identity and Packaging Design for Hisar Su - Diseño Gráfico
    Corporate Identity Design for CLI Secure - Diseño Gráfico
    London Underground Advertising - Diseño Gráfico
    (12) Clientes en Diseño Gráfico
    Heka LightingVenta por menor | international
    MAA PartnersServicios legales |
    Heka LightingVenta por menor | international
    MAA & PartnersServicios legales |

    Más información sobre Diseño Gráfico

  • Descripción
    "Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart." - Joe Chernov

    "Outdoor advertising is processed on the go. People receive it while performing other tasks. It must, therefore, be brief and simple to avoid high cognitive demands." - Leo Burnett

    At Wildmind, we combine the wisdom of Joe Chernov and Leo Burnett to make outdoor advertising that doesn't just catch eyes, it captures hearts.

    In our Outdoor Advertising Subscription Service, you are not just purchasing billboard designs, you are investing in creative solutions that shout your brand story on the streets of London and beyond. Here's how we do it:

    Simplify and Amplify: Burnett's wise words remind us that outdoor ads should be brief and simple. We distill your brand's message to its core and design creative ads that are impossible to ignore, even at a glance.

    Engage and Connect: We create outdoor advertising that makes passersby pause, engage, and connect. Your brand becomes not just a part of their environment, but a part of their story.

    Ongoing Optimization: Just as our cityscape evolves, so does our approach to outdoor advertising. We remain constantly agile, adapting our designs and strategies to emerging trends and opportunities.

    Wildmind's Outdoor Advertising Subscription Service is more than just a series of ad placements. It's a dynamic, ongoing process of capturing attention, sparking curiosity, and driving action. We don't just get your brand out there, we make it stand out there.
    (17) Habilidades en Publicidad en Exteriores
    Guerrilla MarketingStreet MarketingBillboard DesignPoster CampaignField MarketingDigital SignageFlash Mobs OrganisationTransit AdvertisingVehicle AdvertisingBuilding Wrapping Campaign+7
    Trabajo en Publicidad en Exteriores (1)
    London Underground Advertising - Publicidad en Exteriores
    Cliente en Publicidad en Exteriores (1)
    MAA PartnersServicios legales |

    Más información sobre Publicidad en Exteriores

  • Descripción
    "Design is the silent ambassador of your brand." - Paul Rand

    In the realm of Wildmind, we embody this wisdom from Paul Rand in our Graphic Identity Subscription Service. It is not just about creating aesthetically pleasing visuals but about crafting identities that speak volumes.

    Here's how we animate your brand through graphics:

    Discover & Define: We delve deep into your brand's ethos, its vision, its soul. This understanding becomes the foundation of the unique visual language we define for your brand.

    Design & Deliver: We transform your brand story into captivating graphics. From logos to color palettes, typefaces to design systems, we create a graphic identity that's unique to you and resonates with your audience.

    Dynamic & Durable: Design trends change, but your brand identity should endure. Our designs aren't just modern; they're timeless. We also keep an eye on design trends, subtly evolving your graphics over time to keep your brand fresh yet familiar.

    Consistent & Cohesive: Consistency is key in branding. Whether it's your website, business card, social media, or outdoor advertising, we ensure your graphic identity is cohesive across all touchpoints.

    Wildmind's Graphic Identity Subscription Service is a journey of continuous exploration, expression, and evolution. We don't just create graphics; we craft your brand's visual narrative. Your graphic identity will become more than just design elements; it will be the silent ambassador of your brand.
    (8) proyectos en Identidad Gráfica
    UI Design, Branding & eSport Livestream Company - Identidad Gráfica
    Corporate Identity Design for CLI Secure - Identidad Gráfica
    London Underground Advertising - Identidad Gráfica
    Brand Identity Design - Identidad Gráfica
    (8) Clientes en Identidad Gráfica
    GAP InsaatConstrucción | international
    HemenALOTelecomunicaciones | national
    EmmegasEnergía y petróleo | international
    LEET ENDLos medios de comunicación | international

    Más información sobre Identidad Gráfica

  • Descripción
    "In the world of internet customer service, it’s important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away." - Doug Warner

    This quote captures the essence of our Advertising Subscription Service at Wildmind. In the digital era, where brands are competing fiercely for the same set of eyes, we don't just get your brand noticed, we ensure it is remembered.

    Here's how we do it:

    Understand & Unravel: We immerse ourselves in your brand and target audience. Understanding your unique selling proposition, we unravel the best strategies for advertising your product or service.

    Create & Capture: Armed with data and insight, we create ads that are both beautiful and persuasive. From compelling Google ads to engaging social media posts, our designs and copy capture your audience's attention and entice them to take action.

    Measure & Modify: The beauty of digital advertising lies in its measurability. We track the performance of your ads, offering transparent reports and insights. With this data, we continually optimize your campaigns to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

    Holistic & Harmonized: Our approach is holistic, harmonizing all your ad platforms under one unified strategy. We ensure your advertising efforts are synchronized, maximizing your reach and impact.

    Our Advertising Subscription Service at Wildmind offers a continuous, proactive and adaptive approach to advertising. We go beyond clicks and impressions to deliver lasting connections with your audience. We believe advertising is more than just a numbers game; it's about creating memorable experiences that position your brand at the forefront of your audience's minds.
    (33) Habilidades en Publicidad
    Guerilla AdvertisingSocial AdvertisingAdvertising CampaignCreativeIntegrated AdvertisingDisplay MarketingFull-ServiceLuxury AdvertisingMulticultural AdvertisingBusiness Advertising+23
    Trabajo en Publicidad (1)
    Flyer Design for Heka Lighting - Publicidad
    Cliente en Publicidad (1)
    Heka LightingVenta por menor | international

    Más información sobre Publicidad

  • Descripción
    "Design is the silent ambassador of your brand." - Paul Rand

    This quote encapsulates the spirit of our Print Design Subscription Service at Wildmind. In a digital world, the tactile and timeless nature of print design can leave an indelible mark on your audience.

    Here's how we do it:

    Connect & Conceive: We dive into your brand essence, understanding your goals, audience, and unique selling points. We conceive print designs that not only look stunning but also encapsulate your brand personality.

    Design & Deliver: Our skilled graphic designers then bring these concepts to life, using their creative expertise to deliver impactful print designs. From brochures to billboards, our designs will make your audience stop, stare, and remember your brand.

    Refine & Retouch: But we don't stop there. In our pursuit of perfection, we continuously refine and retouch these designs, ensuring they always remain fresh and relevant.

    Coordinate & Consistency: Whether it's a business card, a letterhead or a promotional poster, we ensure every print item is coordinated, providing a consistent brand image that strengthens your brand identity.

    Our Print Design Subscription Service at Wildmind offers continuous, meticulous, and coordinated print design solutions. We believe in the power of print to captivate and connect with your audience on a deeper level, creating lasting impressions that digital media often can't. Allow us to craft print designs that become the silent, yet powerful ambassadors of your brand.
    (16) Habilidades en Impresión
    Digital PrintingVinyl PrintingSignage and BannersCustom EmbossingWindow ClingsPre-press ServicesScreen PrintingCatalog and Brochure PrintingCustom PrintingLarge Format Printing+6
    (2) proyectos en Impresión
    Branding and Brochure/Catalogue Design for Crophex - Impresión
    Flyer Design for Heka Lighting - Impresión
    (2) Clientes en Impresión
    Heka LightingVenta por menor | international
    CrophexEnergía y petróleo | international

    Más información sobre Impresión

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12 miembros en el equipo de Wildmind creative ltd

Wildmind creative ltd cover
HistoriaWildmind. A team of creatives, experts but most importantly leaders. Since 2019, we I am chasing for a dream. Building worlds first full remote creative agency that combines required expertise, creativity and leaders for one single purpose. Independency for people who run the business.
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2 reseñas de Wildmind creative ltd

(2 reseñas)
ServicioRedes Sociales
SectorServicios legales
Equipo1 - 10
Entrega en plazo

¿Cuál era el objetivo de la colaboración?We have worked with Wildmind for website development, and brand/logo creation for our law firm

¿Qué es lo que más has disfrutado durante la colaboración?They love their job, they are very talented, well-organized and responsive

HAZAL AVCI recomienda esta agencia

ServicioRedes Sociales
SectorServicios legales
Equipo1 - 10

Rafael FigueiredoCEO en Surf & Sound
ServicioRedes Sociales
SectorRopa y accesorios
Equipo11 - 50
Entrega en plazo

¿Cuál era el objetivo de la colaboración?Sezay and his team helped do turnaround a business by revamping our website fully which gave us the basic principles to restructure our e-commerce. The business has grown 3x (tripled) in size since then.

¿Qué es lo que más has disfrutado durante la colaboración?Out of box thinking; holistic view to spot problems before suggesting/selecting a solution.

¿Hay algo en lo que podrían mejorar?Discipline was good enough in terms of deliverables … perhaps I wish I could be doing leas chasing throughout the project

Rafael Figueiredo recomienda esta agencia

ServicioRedes Sociales
SectorRopa y accesorios
Equipo11 - 50
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  • Sede central15 Bishopsgate, London, UK