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Prime GhostWriting

Thiensville, Estados Unidos
We Make You Famous Author Through Our Ebook GhostWriting Services!
Prime Ghost Writing is an EBook writing services provider, located in Thiensville, WI. Prime Ghost Writing has teams of enthusiastic in-house ghostwriters and editors to serve those people who want to write or have a book by their name published on Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks Store, Lulu, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble Press, among others. Moreover, our bestseller book writers are capable of writing both fiction and non-fiction EBooks. Since we are a leading Ghost Writing Company, our clients can expect anything from us for writing. From ideas to stories, we can generate any content that promises to go viral, getting more readers and making you one of the renowned personalities.
28 personas en su equipo
Habla Inglés
Fundado en 2020
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1 servicios ofrecidos por Prime GhostWriting

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  • Descripción
    Prime Ghost Writing is an EBook writing services provider, located in Thiensville, WI.
    Prime Ghost Writing has teams of enthusiastic in-house ghostwriters and editors to serve those people who want to write or have a book by their name published on Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks Store, Lulu, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble Press, among others.

    Moreover, our bestseller book writers are capable of writing both fiction and non-fiction EBooks. Since we are a leading Ghost Writing Company, our clients can expect anything from us for writing. From ideas to stories, we can generate any content that promises to go viral, getting more readers and making you one of the renowned personalities.
    (12) Habilidades en Copywriting
    Script Writingcreative writingdigital copywritingeditorial writingtext writingscenario writingfiction productioncopywritingscript writingDigital Copywriting+2
    (2) Reseñas en Copywriting
    Liya Hobbs
    Sandy D'Souza

    Más información sobre Copywriting

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28 miembros en el equipo de Prime GhostWriting

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2 reseñas de Prime GhostWriting

(2 reseñas)
Liya HobbsUnemployed en Unemployed
Equipo1 - 2
Entrega en plazo

¿Cuál era el objetivo de la colaboración?I needed eBook writing services from a professional ghostwriter

¿Qué es lo que más has disfrutado durante la colaboración?Yes. It was a good experience. I enjoyed talking to the ghostwriter. He was humorous, creative, and a scene/situation creator.

¿Hay algo en lo que podrían mejorar?They don't compromise on price. However, honestly speaking, they really deliver what they promise.

Liya Hobbs recomienda esta agencia

Equipo1 - 2

Sandy D'SouzaBrand Manager en My Insomnia Fix
SectorProductos farmacéuticos y biotecnología
Equipo1 - 10
Entrega en plazo

¿Cuál era el objetivo de la colaboración?I wanted them to create an amazing Ebook for me as a ghostwriter.

¿Qué es lo que más has disfrutado durante la colaboración?Of course, they were available to respond to me and update me all the time during their official timing. They also share the status of my email every alternate day via email.

¿Hay algo en lo que podrían mejorar?I think they should offer some discounts since there are prices are pretty high.

Sandy D'Souza recomienda esta agencia

SectorProductos farmacéuticos y biotecnología
Equipo1 - 10
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  • Sede central109 Linden Ln, Thiensville, WI 53092, United States