Supportful (+ Bewertungen) | Sortlist
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Distrikt Keserwan, Libanon
Solid Remote Software Engineers For Your Team
We are Supportful. We help companies grow their tech teams by providing them with top software engineers - remotely from Lebanon. With an experience spanning multiple continents and industries, we cater for clients' frontend, backend, mobile, QA, and DevOps needs. We are a mission-driven company: our aim is to reduce the brain drain in Lebanon and keep young talents in the country. We also want them to work from their hometowns, so they contribute to the development of their local economy - and create a sustainable economy at the national level.
12 Personen im Team
Spricht Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch
2 Projekte in ihrem Portfolio
Gegründet 2021
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2 Dienstleistungen angeboten von Supportful



  • Beschreibung
    We understand that every project has unique needs, and we're here to offer flexibility. Whether it's one engineer or a team, we're ready to provide the talent you require as contractor.

    We can also build your product from design to deployment while making sure it is scalable and technical debt-free.
    Skills in Software Entwicklung (14)
    Custom Software DevelopmentSwift App DevelopmentSoftware EngineeringSoftware ArchitectureOffshore Software DevelopmentQA Engineering.NET DevelopmentSQL ProgrammingC# (C-Sharp) DevelopmentC++ Development+4
    Referenzen in Software Entwicklung (2)
    End-to-End EdTech Web Application - Software Entwicklung
    AWS DevOps for an Oil & Gas Company - Software Entwicklung
    Bewertung in Software Entwicklung (1)
    Fares Bouchedid
    Kunden in Software Entwicklung (2)
    ConfidentialEnergie & Öl | international
    ConfidentialSoftware & Computerservice | international

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Software Entwicklung

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Mobile App (4)
    Mobile App DesignAndroid App DevelopmentMobile App PublishingiOS App Development

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Mobile App

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12 Mitglieder in Supportful's Team

Supportful cover
GeschichteSupportful's mission is to provide top software engineers to tech companies while reducing the brain drain in Lebanon and keeping its young talents home. We're focused on growth: our client's and our team's. We hate comfort zones.
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1 Bewertungen für Supportful

(1 Bewertungen)
Fares BouchedidCTO bei Arcus Scale
DienstleistungSoftware Entwicklung
SektorSoftware & Computerservice
Team1 - 10

I appreciate the transparency of Supportful’s approach when handling our requests. They work closely with us and keep us informed at all stages. They are also capable of catering to our diversity requirements. Finally - and most importantly, the quality of their engineers’ work just stands out!

DienstleistungSoftware Entwicklung
SektorSoftware & Computerservice
Team1 - 10
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Kontaktdetails von Supportful


  • HeadquarterBalloune, Lebanon